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Why Web 3.0 is called the future of the internet?

What is the difference between Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0?

We can describe Web 3.0 as the future of the Internet. In order to understand Web 3.0, you need to know about Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

What is Web 1.0

Web 1.0 is the 1st stage of the Internet or the world wide web. Web 1.0 is a static web in web 1.0 there would be an individual content producer and also individual documents which would be accessed by the consumers. Web 1.0 can be called the first stage of the Internet. During this time there were only a few content creators and a lot of consumers for the content. There wasn’t any advertisement while internet surfing during the time period of Web 1.0. Web 1.0 is the read-only web there wasn’t any user interface.

Basically, web 1.0 was utilized as a library to gather a lot of information. This type of web was utilized as a personal website and the payment was done based on the viewed pages. It was composed of several directories which can be utilized by the user to gather information. So during the era of Web 1.0, the major focus was to create a web and make it accessible.

Major features of Web 1.0

  • It consists of static pages
  • The content was provided from the servers file system
  • There wasn’t any advertisement or moving images on the web pages
  • Pages were created by utilizing the server sides
  • In order to align the elements on a page frames and tables were utilized

What are the Examples of Web 1.0?

Yahoo and hot mail is an example of Web 1.0

What is Web 2.0?

In Web 2.0 we would be able to interact with the webpage and it is called a dynamic page. It is the current web that we utilize today and we would be able to comment or create a user account by this instead of just reading the contents on the page. In Web 2.0, there are several online tools such as Youtube, Facebook, etc. People are utilizing all these tools to communicate with each other and they also share their experiences and thoughts through these tools.

This website is called a participative social web, basically, it is an advanced version of Web 1.0 which has changed the design of the webpage and also how it is used.

Major features of Web 2.0

  • It is composed of dynamic content which would responds to the user’s input
  • Information can be stored freely and this would allow users to categorize and recover the data
  • Communication would take place by the site owner and also by the site users through evaluation and commenting
  • It has advanced API which will be useful for individual purposes such as software applications
  • Web can be accessed by a wider variety of audience
  • The customer or the end user won’t act as a user, instead of that, the end user would be a participant. An example of this would be posting a comment on a youtube video and sharing the information.
  • It has paved the way for mobile internet and mobile devices
  • It has good user engagement and interesting content

What are the examples of Web 2.0?

Major examples of Web 2.0 would be the utilization of social media such as youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. All of these would allow personnel interaction and communication between the end user and the site owner.

What is Web 3.0?

In the web 3.0, it is trying to implement artificial intelligence on the web. So web 3.0 can be described as the advanced version of Web 2.0. We can say that Web 3.0 is the combination of Web 2.0 and the schematic web. The major advantage of this is that humans and machines would be able to access the information which is stored on the web. Web 2.0 is user-generated and customer-focused content and also a lot of information would be shared. Web 3.0 is the intelligent internet we would get a lot of results based on the search and also the results would be personalized.

Web 3.0
Web 3.0

How does Web 3.0 work?

We can say that the data web has paved the way for web 3.0 and the data is transmitted through the internet in a certain format such as XML, RDF, etc. The recent growth of SPARQL technology allows for a standardized language and API for searching across network databases. Due to the schematic web machines can also perform a lot better, and they can also gain a lot of knowledge.

The “Data Web” enables a new level of data integration and application interoperability, making data as accessible and linkable as web pages. The “Data Web” is the first step toward the complete Semantic Web. In the “Data Web” phase, the goal is primarily to make structured data accessible using RDF.

How Web 3.0 would benefit the business sector?

In Web 3.0 the web browsing would be done in 3D, web 2.0 was focused on the social side but Web 3.0 would benefit lots of business sectors. Web 3.0 can be useful to do network computing in which software would be utilized as a service and cloud computing too.

  • Marketing can be easily done by utilizing AI and metaverse
  • Data manipulation can be done by utilizing the smart program in Web 3.0
  • Consumers can determine how many personal details they want to share with the company and this would give a lot of privacy
  • Utilization of 3D
  • Computers can be utilized to do a lot of work
  • Data security is an important feature of Web 3.0 and this would be good for business
  • No need for expensive servers and data centers, information can be easily run on computer networks
  • Computers would be capable to do our work
  • Websites can be utilized for web services
  • Contents would be filtered according to our requirement
  • Data can be easily organized
  • Customer interaction can be easily done and this would benefit the business

What is the major difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is the newest version of the internet it has added something more to the way the information is generated. It has the function of improving the way the information is found, which can improve the performance of content processing making the machines able to filter the information. Web pages are not just for people to read, but also for machines.

Author – Ashlin A J

How SMEC became a part of ADIPEC 2021?

ADIPEC is a platform where many oil and gas industries get a chance to introduce themselves to the world. In this exhibition, they will exhibit a lot of new technologies and products related to the oil and gas industry. ADIPEC is conducted in Abu Dhabi. In this event, there will be a lot of products which include petroleum products, instrumentation devices, control devices, electrical devices, etc. In ADIPEC 2021, India has created a remarkable presence. More than 100 companies have participated in this event.

From Kerala, SMEC was the only company that has represented its presence in the oil and gas industry. SMEC has been in the oil and gas sector for the past two decades. We have a lot of branches in India, Dubai, Singapore, and other parts of Asia. SMEC has also got a training division where we train more than 300 students in a month. In ADIPEC 2021, SMEC has displayed a lot of its products related to the oil and gas sector such as power systems and control system components.

SMEC provides almost all kinds of services in the marine sector from hydraulic services to vessel control systems. This was an inspiration for the oil and gas industries located in Kerala.

How SMEC became a part of ADIPEC 2021? 3
Video about ADIPEC 2021

Why wind speed and direction monitoring system is required for ships?

Wind Speed and Direction Monitoring System

In order to operate a vessel, the crew would require information regarding wind, air temperature, humidity, and pressure. Wind measurement can be used for navigational purposes and also for the safety of the vessel. In a vessel, the direction and speed of the wind are important for the safety of the ship. Wind measurement is really important for ships that carry aircraft. Because while landing the aircraft or during the take-off, there could be a lot of problems and it would be unsafe. So accurate measurement of the wind is required for a vessel that carries aircraft.

The flow of the wind and speed would vary when it moves around the ship. Mostly there would be two or more anemometers to measure the speed of wind in a vessel. In case the ship is sailing through a storm then it would affect the handling quality of the ship. If there are many superstructures in the ship then it would badly affect the ship during a storm. There would be a lot of surface current if the wind speed is high. The wind drag on the ship is also dependent on wind speed, so measuring the direction and speed of wind is really important in ships.

How wind force would affect the ships?

The direction and speed of the wind would affect the ship’s course. The stability of the vessel would be affected by the wind current and also the air pressure. The wind speed and pressure would make an impact on vessel navigation, voyage time, etc. The direction of the wind can carry the ship to a storm and this would be dangerous. While mooring a vessel wind is a natural force that would act on the moored vessel and this is also another reason to check the speed and pressure of the wind. A ship must be moored in a way that it can resist natural forces.

The wind force that acts on the vessel would be depended on the velocity of the wind and also the area of the vessel which is exposed to it. So if the exposed area of the vessel is more, then the wind effect would be high too. A vessel would be least affected by the wind force when it heads towards the wind and low towards the water. A cargo ship would affect the most if it is in light condition. The force of the wind would affect more on a large vessel more than a small vessel in a similarly loaded condition.

There are other factors that also determine how the wind would affect the vessel. Magnitude and angle of the wind and also the shape of the area in which the wind is acting. Wind velocity can also affect the ship at berth and it can cause the direction change of the vessel.

Types of wind force that would affect the vessel

Longitudinal force

This is the type of wind force that would act parallel to the longitudinal axis of the tanker.

Transverse force

The transverse force would act perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.


What is the major instrument that is utilized to measure the speed of wind in a ship?


Anemometer is utilized to measure the speed of the wind and by slight modification, it can be used to determine the direction of the wind. We can utilize an anemometer for proper navigation of the ships. The anemometer sensor would determine the wind passing and also there is a vane anemometer that can be utilized to determine the direction of the wind. Mostly this device would be composed of a propeller and a tail so the wind speed would be determined by the speed of the propeller. The direction of the wind can be determined by checking the tail.

The anemometer which is utilized in ships would be a propeller vane or cup vane. So more than one anemometer would be utilized and it would be placed at different sections in the vessel. The measuring results will be transmitted to the control desks. The wind monitoring system would be composed of the sensor and the sensor cable, signal transmitter, display, etc.

The anemometer or the measuring instrument would transmit the data to the display control of the ship. In case the sensor is mounted in a place where there are a lot of vibrations then ultrasonic anemometers can be utilized and it doesn’t have any moving parts. So ultrasonic sensor would transmit the direction and speed of the wind based on the ultrasonic principle. The wind monitoring system would display the speed and direction of the wind based on the speed and course of the ship.

So in case of any emergency situation, the wind speed and direction would be displayed in the operator’s display. Thus the operator would be able to stop any operations on board such as crane operations. Cruise ships and other vessels utilize the wind monitoring system so that course correction can be done based on the data.

How to install the wind measurement sensor in a ship?

While installing the wind sensor it must be placed far from the large objects because it can affect the result of the measurement. Mostly it would be really difficult, so the wind monitoring system must be placed above the top of a superstructure in the vessel. While installing the device in a superstructure we must make sure that the superstructure doesn’t have any side face. If the superstructure has any side face then it would affect the measurement values regarding the wind direction, speed, etc. There could be cables from the sensor to transmit the signal and these cables should be waterproof.

What are the major factors that should be considered while choosing a wind measurement system?

  • Power supply
  • Power consumption
  • Temperature range
  • Electrical connection
  • Protection
  • Velocity measurement range
  • Linearity
  • Display
  • Measurement range of direction
  • Accuracy

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നിങ്ങൾ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നത് വിദേശത്ത് ഒരു ജോലി പിന്നീട് വിദേശത്ത് സെറ്റിൽ ആകണം എന്നാൽ എങ്ങനെ?

വിദേശത്ത് ഒരു ജോലി സ്വപ്നമായി കാണുന്ന നിങ്ങൾക്കും ഇത് സംഭവിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടാകും:

പല വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളും അവരുടെ പ്ലസ് ടു ഡിഗ്രി, എഞ്ചിനീയറിങ് കഴിഞ്ഞ് യൂറോപ്പ്, ഓസ്ട്രേലിയ, ന്യൂസിലൻഡ്, കാനഡ കൂടാതെ മറ്റു പല വിദേശരാജ്യങ്ങളിലും പോകാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു. എന്നാൽ പല ഏജൻസികളും ആ രാജ്യങ്ങളിലെ സ്കിൽ വിസ കിട്ടാൻ ഹെൽപ്പ് ചെയ്യാറില്ല.

എന്തുകൊണ്ടാണ് അവർ ഹെൽപ്പ് ചെയ്യാത്തത്?

കാരണം അത് രണ്ടോ മൂന്നോ വർഷം എടുക്കുന്ന പ്രോസസ്സ് ആണ്. അവർ അതിന് പകരം സ്റ്റുഡന്റ് വിസയാണ് നമുക്ക് സജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യുന്നത്. ഇതിന് കാരണം മറ്റൊന്നുമല്ല, സ്റ്റുഡന്റ് വിസ കുറഞ്ഞത് രണ്ടോ മൂന്നോ മാസം കൊണ്ട് നമുക്ക് പോകുവാൻ സാധിക്കും. പക്ഷെ അവിടെ ചെന്നാൽ 20 മണിക്കൂർ ജോലി ചെയ്യാൻ സാധിക്കുകയുള്ളൂ. ലീഗൽ അല്ലാതെ ക്യാഷ് ജോലിക്ക് ആയിട്ട് പോകുന്ന പല വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളെയും നമുക്ക് കാണുവാൻ സാധിക്കും. എന്നാൽ അവിടെ സെറ്റിൽ ആവാൻ ഇതൊന്നും നമുക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്പെടില്ല എന്നതാണ് സത്യം.

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അപ്പോൾ വിദേശത്ത് സെറ്റിൽ ആകാൻ സാധിക്കില്ലേ?

തീർച്ചയായും സാധിക്കും! പഠനം പൂർത്തിയാകുമ്പോൾ തന്നെ ചില രാജ്യങ്ങൾ സ്റ്റേബാക്ക് നൽകുന്നുണ്ട് എന്നാലും പഠനത്തിന് അനുസരിച്ച് ഉള്ള ജോലി കണ്ടെത്താൻ സാധിക്കാതെ വരുന്നതാണ് കൂടുതലും വിദ്യാർഥികൾക്ക് സംഭവിക്കുന്നത്. നാട്ടിൽനിന്ന് പഠനത്തിന് ചെലവാക്കിയ ഭീമമായ കടങ്ങളും അവരെ ചിലപ്പോൾ നിരാശരാക്കാറുണ്ട്. ഈയൊരു പ്രശ്നത്തിൽ നിന്ന് കരകയറാൻ നിങ്ങൾ ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് ഇത്രമാത്രമാണ്. വിദേശരാജ്യങ്ങളിൽ ഡിമാൻഡ് ഉള്ള കോഴ്സുകൾ എക്സ്പീരിയൻസോടുകൂടി പഠിക്കുക. അതുകൂടാതെ സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് വെരിഫിക്കേഷൻ സംവിധാനമുള്ള ഒരു സ്കിൽ ട്രെയിനിങ് നാഷണൽ അക്രിഡിറ്റഡ് സെന്ററിൽ പഠിക്കുക എന്നതാണ്.

ഇങ്ങനെയുള്ള ട്രെയിനിങ് എടുക്കുന്നതിൽ എന്താണ് പ്രയോജനം?

നിങ്ങൾ വിദേശത്ത് പഠിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ തന്നെ അവിടെ നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്കിൽ അസസ്മെന്റ് നടത്താനും അതുവഴി നിങ്ങളുടെ എലിജിബിലിറ്റി പോയിന്റ് കൂട്ടാനും നാഷണൽ അക്രിഡിറ്റഡ് സെന്ററിൽ നിന്നുള്ള സ്കിൽ ട്രെയിനിങിൽ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കും. ഇതുവഴി വളരെ എളുപ്പത്തിൽ അവിടെ സെറ്റിൽ ആവാനും നിങ്ങൾക്ക് സാധിക്കും.

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What is industrial metaverse?


Interpreting Metaverse

The metaverse is a digital world and it would change the way in which people interact together on the internet. It is an interconnected network of virtual spaces and we can easily jump from one virtual space to another. In order to properly utilize the metaverse, we would require augmented reality or virtual reality goggles. In the metaverse, there would be a computer-generated 3D image of an environment. This 3D image could be an office or any other location according to the requirements.

When you are using a virtual reality headset to be in the metaverse then you would feel like you are actually in a different environment interacting with others. Metaverse would help you to interact with a lot of devices. The metaverse creates a relationship between the physical world and the digital world.


Introduction to Industrial metaverse?

The industrial metaverse can create a relationship between physical devices and the digital world. The industrial metaverse would utilize the digital twin to achieve the link between the physical devices and the digital world. A digital twin can be utilized in most industrial applications and it will be utilized to take appropriate decisions at the required time to control the operations.

So by utilizing the metaverse in industries companies can work effectively, and thus it would be profitable. The major advantage of utilizing the metaverse in the industries is that we would be able to determine the performance of a product before it is created.

What is a digital twin and how it would change the manufacturing industry?

A digital twin is the representation of the system or objects virtually and it plays an integral part in the industrial metaverse. This digital twin would be created by utilizing the real-time data and a digital twin would be capable of simulation, machine learning, etc. All of these features would be very useful for the digital twin to take proper decisions at the required time. So basically a digital twin is a representation of the physical object, this object could be a device in the industrial process. A digital twin could be a sensor, transmitter, transducer, etc.

It is a simulation model which would represent certain things such as a machine or a business process. So while creating this digital twin several data would be collected regarding the subject which the digital twin would represent. A digital twin can be utilized to check the devices and also can be utilized to determine the status of the operation. A digital twin can be shared with the customers and also with the suppliers so that they would also have an idea regarding the product and can make necessary changes based on the data.

How metaverse would be useful for the manufacturing industry?

Before creating a product in the physical world it can be easily created in the virtual world with the help of the metaverse. The performance and operation of the product can also be determined and due to this industries can avoid all the problems while creating the product. In order to achieve this, industrial manufacturers would utilize several digital tools and this would give them a good profit too.

In order to properly create a replica of the product several data must be checked. Based on the quality of the data gathered the digital twin would act, so the collection of data is really important to achieve the industrial metaverse. In the industrial metaverse, 3D environments would be created according to the industrial environment. Another advantage of the industrial metaverse is that several people could access the same data and there would be good security to the data too.

We could train a lot of people distantly by utilizing the industrial metaverse. Virtual reality plays a major role in the industrial metaverse and connectivity would be achieved by the high-speed internet. So we can control or make changes in an industrial process remotely by utilizing the industrial metaverse. You could also train anyone around the world with the help of industrial metaverse. We don’t need to go through the conventional method which is trial and error. Instead of that, we can carry out the process or any operation properly without any downtime.

What are the advantages of utilizing metaverse in the industrial sector?

  • Better planning is possible
  • Problems can be avoided
  • Less maintenance
  • The quality of the product can be improved
  • Performance can be improved
  • Time management
  • 3D simulation
  • AI
  • We would be able to understand what could happen in the real world and also in real-time too
  • Simulations can be easily done by using the real-time reporting feature of the digital twin
  • Failures in the system can be easily determined
Industrial metaverse

How manufacturing sector would benefit from the Industrial metaverse?

  • Companies can train their employees easily from anywhere, by utilizing the virtual reality
  • Before developing a product improvements can be done
  • We can utilize Augmented reality or Virtual reality to solve problems in an industrial operation with the help of field personnel.
  • Product design can be carried out from anywhere
  • Several complex products can be created with virtual designs without any trial and error.

Where can we utilize the digital twins?

A digital twin can be utilized in many industries, but it is not necessary for every manufacturer or for every product. A digital twin is required for complex objects, so if it is used for normal industrial processes or to create a replica of the normal products in an industry then it would cost a lot. If the industrial process is not complex or the device which is going to be constructed is not complex then we don’t need to spend money on the digital twin.

Digital twin would come in handy when the probability of failure could be high during the production of complex devices. If we are not utilizing metaverse to create a complex product and if there is any fault during this process then there would be a huge loss of money and time.

Digital twins would be useful for several other industrial sectors such as

  • Construction of buildings, bridges, and other complex structures can utilize the digital twin
  • It can be utilized in automobiles and also in aerospace applications that are mechanically complicated and by utilizing the digital twin the efficiency of the devices can be improved
  • Digital twin comes in handy for the power generation and transmission

How major industries are planning to embrace the metaverse?

Major companies such as Siemens are planning to utilize metaverse in their operations. Siemens is now expanding their partnership with NVIDIA to embrace the industrial metaverse. They are planning to utilize the AI-driven digital twin to do the industrial automation and this would take the industrial automation to the next level. NVIDIA mostly creates gaming GPUs and applications, and they also manufacture chips for robotics and other tools.

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ഒരു ജോലി എല്ലാവർക്കും ഒരു സ്വപ്നമാണ് അതിലേക്കു നയിക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞ 22 വർഷമായി കൊച്ചി ആസ്ഥാനമായി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്ന ഒരു സ്ഥാപനമാണ് SMEC.

ദേശീയ അന്തർദേശീയ വിവിധ സർട്ടിഫിക്കേഷനുകളും കൂടാതെ പ്രാക്ടിക്കൽ ആയി പഠിച്ചു ജോലി കരസ്ഥമാക്കാൻ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കുന്നു.കഴിഞ്ഞ 22 വർഷമായി SMEC ലൂടെ ഒരു ലക്ഷത്തിലധികം വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് ജോലി കരസ്ഥമാക്കി കൊടുക്കാൻ ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് സാധിച്ചു.

ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ സ്കിൽ ഡെവലൊപ്മെന്റ് അപ്പ്രൂവൽ ആയ National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) യും , India International Skill Centres (IISCs) യും കൂടാതെ TUV Rheinland (Germany) , City
& Guilds (UK) പോലുള്ള ദേശീയ അന്തർദേശീയ സർട്ടിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ ഇവിടെ നിന്നു ലഭിക്കുന്നു.ഇക്കാരണത്താൽ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് തൊഴിൽ കരസ്ഥമാക്കാൻ സാധിക്കും.

2001 ൽ സ്ഥാപിതമായ SMEC, ONGC, SCI, Shipyards, Defence പോലുള്ള നവര്തന കമ്പനികളിൽ അപ്പ്രൂവ്ഡ് വെണ്ടർ ആയ SMEC ന് ധാരാളം Oil & Gas, Marine , Industrial, IT മേഖലകളിൽ ധാരാളം പ്രൊജെക്ടുകൾ ചെയ്യുന്നുണ്ട് . കൂടാതെ SMEC അഡ്വാൻസ്ഡ് ടെക്നോളജിയിൽ ട്രെയിനിങ്ങും നൽകി വരുന്നു. ഈ മേഖലകളിൽ SMEC ലെ പ്രൊജെക്ടുകളുമായി അസ്സോസിയേറ്റ് ചെയ്ത് പണി എടുത്തു പഠിക്കാം എന്ന സവിഷേതയുമുണ്ട്.

ഇൻഡസ്ട്രിയൽ ട്രെയിനിങ് കോഴ്‌സുകളായ Industrial Automation, Instrumentation, Embedded & Automotive, Oil & Gas, BMS ഉം ടെക്നോളജി കോഴ്സുകളായ Data science, Python, Networking, Software Testing, Digital Marketing, ASP .Net, ഉം അക്കൗണ്ടിംഗ് ടെക്നോളജി കോഴ്സുകളായ SAP, Power BI, Tally കോഴ്സുകളും പ്രദാനം ചെയ്യുന്നു.

Classroom & Online ട്രെയിനിങ്ങിൽ നിന്ന് വ്യത്യസ്തമായി ഇന്നത്തെ നൂതനമായ ടെക്നോളജിയിൽ തൊഴിൽ പ്രാവീണ്യം നേടാനുള്ള ഒരു LIVE HANDS ON പ്രാക്ടിക്കൽ ട്രെയിനിങ്ങും പരിചയ സമ്പത്തുമാണ് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ലഭിക്കുന്നത്. ആയതിനാൽ തന്നെ നിങ്ങളുടെ തൊഴിൽ അധിഷ്ഠിത സ്‌കിൽ ഉയരുകയും, സ്വപ്നതുല്യമായ ജോലിയിൽ പ്രവേശിക്കാനുള്ള PLACEMENT ഉറപ്പ് SMEC നിഷ്പ്രയാസം നൽകുവാനും സാധിക്കുന്നു.

ട്രെയിനിങ് വിജയകരമായി പൂർത്തിയാക്കുന്നവർക്ക്, SMEC ഇൻഡസ്ട്രിയൽ ഡിവിഷനിലും, SMEC ഇൻഫോപാർക് ഡിവിഷനിലും ഇന്റേൺഷിപ്പും നൽകുന്നു..

വിശദ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക് :

വെബ്സൈറ്റ് : https://www.smeclabs.com/
ഫോൺ : 9958873874
വാട്സാപ്പ്: https://wa.me/+919847966777

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Everlasting Job Opportunities in Embedded Systems.


ഇന്ന് ലോകത്ത് പഠിച്ചിറങ്ങിയാൽ ഉടൻ ജോലി ലഭിക്കുന്ന ഒരു കോഴ്സ് ആണ് Embedded System. TATA ELXI, Wipro , Bosch, Techmahindra, Infosys പോലുള്ള മൾട്ടി നാഷണൽ കമ്പനികൾ ഇന്നും ഈ മേഖലയിൽ Skilled Man Power കിട്ടാതെ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടുന്നു. അതിനാൽ പഠിച്ചിറങ്ങിയാൽ ഉടൻ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ജോലി കിട്ടുന്നു.

ഈ കോഴ്സിൽ EMBEDDED C, Micro Controllers -ARM, PIC, AVR, ARDUINO, Raspberry PI, SBC, IoT, RTOS, Robotics, PCB Designing, EMBEDDED LINUX, RTOS എന്നിവയുടെ അതി നൂതനമായ ടെക്നോളജി ആണ് അടങ്ങിയിയിരിക്കുന്നത്.

എൻജിനീയറിങ് , ഡിപ്ലോമ, BSc., MCA, BCA, MSc. (ഇലക്ട്രോണിക്സ്, ഇലെക്ട്രിക്കൽ & കമ്പ്യൂട്ടർ സയൻസ്), Freshers പെട്ടെന്ന് ജോലി ലഭിക്കാൻ ഏറ്റവും അനുയോജ്യമായ ഒരു കോഴ്സ് ആണിത്.

കഴിഞ്ഞ 22 വർഷമായി ഈ മേഖലയിൽ ധാരാളം മറൈൻ, ഇൻഡസ്ട്രിയൽ, ഓയിൽ & ഗ്യാസ്, ഐടി പ്രൊജെക്ടുകൾ ചെയ്ത SMEC ൽ നിന്നും, National Skill Development Corporation (Govt of India ) അപ്പ്രൂവ്ഡ് കോഴ്‌സുകൾ പഠിക്കാം.

കോഴ്സിന് ശേഷം internship ഉം Placement ഉം ഞങൾ provide ചെയ്യുന്നു.

വിശദ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക് വിളിക്കു .

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How did SMEC become a part of the 21st NOG conference and Exhibition?

The Nigerian oil and gas industry is one of the largest oil producers in Africa. The oil sector in Nigeria is contributing almost ten percent of the country’s GDP. NOG gives opportunities to all the industries in the oil and gas sector to share a platform. NOG 21 was conducted at ICC, Abuja, Nigeria from July 4 to July 7. At this event, a lot of businessmen and professionals associated with the oil and gas industries participated. NOG is a global platform for all the oil and gas industries.

SMEC is one of those companies that have been representing the Indian oil and gas industry for more than a decade. The high commissioner of India inaugurated the Indian pavilion at the NOG exhibition. SMEC has shared its experience with other companies and has shown its interest to contribute its service in oil & gas, RIG, and drilling facilities. SMEC has another training wing called SMEClabs through which they train a lot of students who like to start their careers in Oil & gas.

This event is conducted to create a network in the Oil and gas industry and also to solve all the problems in this industry. Nigeria stands tall as one of the top producers in the oil and gas industry in Africa. Nigeria is one of the major suppliers of crude oil and petroleum products in America.

NOG 2022 as a Trade event partnership program?

Nigeria’s Oil and gas industry is one of the major energy providers in Africa. NOG 2022 provides a lot of opportunities in the oil and gas sector. Many industries would get a lot of opportunities to start a new partnership. More than 300 companies have attended the NOG 2022. NOG exhibition has displayed a lot of the latest technologies in the oil and gas industrial sector.

NOG also helped many industrial sectors to access a lot of industrial components and services in the oil and gas sector. There were a lot of buyers and sellers at this event to do business including, governments, ministries, etc. NOG 2022 has focused on several strategies which would be implemented by the Nigerian government and also the leaders of the private sectors. The oil and gas sector was also affected by the pandemic, so in this event, they have also taken many decisions to achieve economic recovery.


How SMEC has given its contribution to NOG 21?

SMEC is one of the leading marine industries in Asia, SMEC has been in the marine sector for the past two decades. So their contribution to the marine and oil and gas industry has given them an opportunity to be a part of the 21st NOG. SMEC has a lot of branches in Asia and they have a solid presence in the middle east.

SMEC has been representing the Indian oil and gas industry for more than a decade. The high commissioner of India inaugurated the Indian pavilion at the NOG exhibition. SMEC has shared its experience with other companies and has shown its interest to contribute its service in oil & gas, RIG, and drilling facilities. SMEC has another training wing called SMEClabs through which they train a lot of students who like to start their careers in Oil & gas.

SMEC has also given career guidance classes to several Nigerian students who like to chase their careers in the oil and gas industry. The engineers at SMEClabs, forming the Core Resource Group (C.R.G.), constantly strive to keep the company ahead of its competition in terms of technological edge.

The C. R. G. also forms the faculty of SMEClabs, imparting world-class Industrial automation training and process control training to the students of the training facility. SMEClabs is also an Authorized System Integrator of Schneider Electric in France.

SMEClabs is proud to host an array of engineers and industry experts who put in their ideas and instincts to develop a new technology, which is crucial for any player to stay on top of the game. We are focused on developing and constantly re-innovating indigenous technology which is more adaptable to the Indian customer needs and which is also more economically viable.

As we all know, education is the best thing we can provide to the upcoming generation. SMEClabs always aims to educate students and help them to be at the top of their career ladder. Our highly qualified trainers guide our students from the basics and help them to become an expert. SMEClabs also help their students with all the training in which a student would get placed. This includes mock interviews, group discussion rounds, and soft skill development classes. Another important fact about SMEClabs is that every student will have a dedicated mentor to guide them through their journey.

What is LabVIEW and how it is utilized in the marine industry?


LabVIEW is software that can be used to do graphical programming. This software can be used to program and control the lab instruments. LabVIEW has a compliant programming graphical user interface. It would comply with the codes in machine instructions, which is similar to the C program. The programs which are written in this software are called virtual instruments. This programming language would utilize graphical symbols and icons instead of texts and that’s how it is different from other programming languages. This programming language is called ‘G’ because it is a graphical programming language.

LabVIEW for industrial control system

What are the major features of LabVIEW?

LabVIEW is capable to achieve any programming function because it has several libraries of functions and subroutines to accomplish this. Programs would be in the form of a block diagram. The major advantage of LabVIEW is that any computation which is done by using the conventional programming language can be easily done by utilizing the LabVIEW because of the virtual instrumentation feature.

This software is utilized by thousands of engineers and researchers to develop sophisticated measurements, tests, and control systems using intuitive graphical icons and flowchart-like wiring. It can be easily integrated with different types of hardware and provides hundreds of built-in libraries for advanced analysis and data visualization, all to create virtual instrumentation.

  • It can be used to do the simulation
  • Can be used to control several equipments
  • Can be utilized for data acquisition

How LabVIEW is different from conventional programming?

Conventional ProgrammingLabVIEW Programming
The syntax would be utilized to do the programmingThe syntax is not required to do the programming
Program execution would be carried out from top to bottomThe program would be executed from left to right
In order to determine the error, we should compile the programThe error would be indicated while wiring the blocks
Not interactiveHighly interactive due to graphical programming
Text-based programmingData flow programming
Easy to find logical errors in large programmingIt is hard to find the logical errors in large programs
The flow of the program is not visibleData flow is visible
Extra coding would be required for the front panel designFront panel design would be part of the program
It would be difficult to pass the parameter to the subroutineIt would be really easy to pass the parameters to the sub VI
Conventional programming VS LabVIEW programming

How LabVIEW is utilized in the marine industry?

LabVIEW is utilized in most of the industrial sectors from Automotive to Aerospace. This software is utilized widely because of its several features. LabVIEW is simple, easy to learn, and can detect errors quickly. It can be used to do simulation so we can determine the faults in a system while designing the system.

The LabVIEW-based GPS system is utilized to determine the location of the boats this would be really useful for small boats. LabVIEW can be utilized to create several applications and this can be used to interact with real-world signals for several Engineering and Scientific applications.

LabVIEW is used to create an engine simulator, this simulator can be utilized to check the main engine in the ships. The main engine part of the ship would be composed of a fuel oil system, cooling system, compressed air system, etc. LabVIEW can be utilized for Boiler control, Engine start sequence, Navigation, Satellite communication system, etc. This software would be really useful to do the testing and measurement of a lot of instruments in cargo ships, navy ships, etc. Due to this, there would be operational safety and efficiency.

During the simulation process system would be prepared to start the engine. The temperature, volume, and pressure of the engine would be set properly, and the engine would be operated remotely. Proper engine RPM would be determined and checked.

Why LabVIEW is required for industrial control?

LabVIEW is utilized in many industrial processes, it can be used to do the measurement, monitoring, testing, and control. This software would allow high-speed and high-precision industrial measurements. It can be utilized to analyze the signals, and the efficiency of the industrial process can be improved by advanced control. You can use LabVIEW with PLC so that you can properly utilize your system.

The human-machine interface plays an important part in industrial control. In order to determine the faults in a process easier, there should be a good HMI. By utilizing the LabVIEW we can easily create a good graphical user interface, it has good 3D tools to create a good HMI. Less time would be required for the development because of graphical programming features. It has a mechatronics platform that can be utilized to develop machines.

LabVIEW would be utilized in the industrial PC so that it can be utilized to monitor and control several industrial processes. Remote monitoring and control would be possible by utilizing the LabVIEW. Data can be monitored and varied easily by utilizing the wireless network. By utilizing all these features of this software, the industrial processes can be carried out smoothly.


What are the major advantages of LabVIEW?

  • Good user interface
  • Programs can be easily modified
  • It supports multiple operating systems such as MAC, Windows, etc
  • It is easy to learn
  • Economical
  • It can be utilized in the automation sector
  • It is utilized in Aerospace
  • It can easily interact with other hardware
  • Third-party hardware interface can be easily done
  • This software is utilized in the engineering sector
  • It is utilized to carry out several scientific applications
  • It can be used for data acquisition

What are the major industries that utilize LabVIEW?

What are the major companies that utilize LabVIEW?

  • Honeywell
  • Siemens
  • General electric
  • Tesla
  • Intel
  • IBM
  • Texas Instruments
  • Autodesk

Why choose a career in LabVIEW?

As we discussed earlier LabVIEW is utilized in many industries, so choosing a career in this would secure your future. You would get opportunities in Aerospace, telecom, robotics, oil & gas, etc. Graphical programming can be considered the future of programming, this software is utilized in the Engineering & scientific field. In order to start a career in LabVIEW you should be a certified professional, so start your career in LabVIEW with SMEClabs.

What is DevOps and how it would benefit an organization?


DevOps is the process of creating software through the collaboration and communication of software developers and IT professionals. DevOps stands for development and operation. Due to this, a single team would be able to do the development, testing, deployment, and operations of an application. DevOps has made the operations of software developers, quality assurance engineers, and system administrators simple and effective. Collaboration between the development and operation team is possible because of the DevOps. So while creating an application by the collaboration of the development sector, IT sector, and QC sector the quality of the end product would be really good.

Why DevOps is required in IT companies?

Before DevOps the operation process of an IT company was different all the departments were isolated. The testing and deployment process was isolated and because of this, the development of the application would require more time. The operating professionals in the testing, designing, and deploying section would spend a lot of time than the actual build cycles. The coding and operating team would also require additional time. We can use several DevOps tools to automate the software development phase.

  • DevOps would allow the companies to collaborate the people, process, and tools to focus a lot on the customers.
  • Shared responsibilities
  • Fast feedback
  • Repeatability
  • Automation – Infrastructure as a code
  • The quality and speed of the application delivery would improve a lot
  • Product delivery can be done at the proper time
  • The failure rate would be lowered
  • Data can be protected through critical layers of data security
  • Agility and stability of the critical business process can be increased

How DevOps toolchain can be utilized to build software?

  • Develop
  • Code review
  • Unit testing
  • Check-in
  • Build
  • Deployment
  • Functional testing
  • Security testing
  • Performance testing
  • Production setup and deployment
  • Maintenance and upgrades
What is DevOps and how it would benefit an organization? 15

What are the major roles and responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer?

DevOps engineers must work with software developers, system operators, and other IT staff to manage the code releases. DevOps engineers should have basic knowledge of the software development languages. DevOps engineers should be able to do the coding and must be capable to work with the development staff to determine the coding and scripting requirements.

Major responsibilities

  • Production and maintenance of software applications
  • Should solve the problems regarding the application and must be able to troubleshoot the system
  • Must be able to improve the quality and reduce the cost
  • Should be capable to analyze the design and evaluate the automation scripts

What is the difference between DevOps and traditional IT?

Traditional methodDevOps
The development team and the operating team would work separately to deploy the infrastructure properlyThe development and the operation team would work together and this would give proper visibility to the infrastructure requirement
Information regarding the failover, data center, redundancy, and storage is not properly available from the developers. Developers would have a lot of knowledge about the applicationAll the details about the failover, redundancy, data center locations, and storage requirements are properly known because of the inputs from the developers
The operation team won’t have any idea regarding the progress of the development team. The operating team would do their work without any collaboration from other departments.The operating team and the development team would work together and because of this, the operating team would be completely aware of the progress of the project.
After all the development process the application would be subjected to the load testing and this could crash the application and the release would be delayedWhile doing the load testing the development team rectifies all the problems and the application would be released on time
Traditional IT & DevOps

So there are a lot of advantages while using DevOps in the industry and without DevOps, there could loss of profit and time. Basically, we can describe DevOps as the collaboration of the development, testing, and operation team. So while creating any software the development team would interact with the operation and testing team and would create a proper plan to create the software with proper quality.

Who will benefit from DevOps certification?

  • Operation manager
  • System Administrator
  • Project managers
  • Business managers
  • Software programmer/ Application developer
  • Software tester
  • Business analyst
  • Network Administrator

How DevOps operation takes place?


In this stage, the development of the software would take place, so in this section, the development process would be separated into small cycles.


In this stage, the testing process would take place and the bugs would be fixed.


In this stage certain functionalities would be added to the codes and testing would take place. The development would be carried out by frequent integration and testing.


This is the deployment stage and in this stage, the code would be checked to determine that it won’t affect the website traffic.


In this stage, inappropriate system behavior would be checked.

DevOps workflow

In this stage there would be a visual overview of the sequence, it would also check the operation process.

What are the advantages of DevOps?

  • The failure rate would be heavily reduced
  • Reproducibility
  • Maintenance can be easily done
  • The proper delivery of the software on time
  • The quality of the applications can be improved
  • The risk would be reduced while creating the application
  • Cost efficiency
  • Working efficiency can be improved

How to start a career in DevOps?

DevOps are used not only in the IT sector it is also used in several other non-tech industries. Because of this, there are a lot of opportunities in this field. Starting a career in DevOps would require basic programming knowledge. Nowadays there are a lot of DevOps professionals and major companies would recruit professionals. If you are a certified professional then you would get a lot of opportunities. SMEClabs can help you with this, If you don’t have any basic software knowledge then we would train you for that. We would also provide placement assistance.